Sunday, March 8, 2009

People Are Crazy... and Everyone Is A Racer

People Are Crazy... and Everyone Is A Racer ? And everybody is an athlete. If you doubt, of course, you have never driven in New York during rush hour. Look closely at the driver of the Japanese luxury car. It CFIP, and the athlete is driving fifty-five miles an hour when the speed of the car said a clear one hundred and fifty. Why do not we have the will to increase the speed if the vehicle can approach him. A glance at his violin with the buttons intention to be plugged into a radio station. We know what is actually corridors do is adjust the frequency of his imaginary laser beam barricades abolish the system. You know that only because the bomb sounds like it is anticipated that the obliteration of our enemies is the source disk. If you really want to bother him, Honk your horn, door behind him for a few seconds, then cut in front of him. When it reaches its boiling point, slam on his brakes and drive more slowly than what was happening, both in the past. Then, apply the brakes and the car slower than it was before the execution of his bowl large. His typical response is one of anger, an anger that is responsible for the pent-up frustrations of life in a world of high technology and the law are in a low-tech existence. Because we are always stab the gas pedal and turning outside the lane in an attempt to move again. You have, in turn, accelerate, and knowing that his intention is to block the card as soon as possible, then check the brakes on what you just get the message across. And if the high speed of the game chicken will be any other way to spend more to let the two fighters to continue the road with the show. He took part in some more than a duel of these myself, but recently I decided to be a spectator to other people on the road rage. This emotionally charged ego-tripping can be very dangerous for everyone around the scene. The company said that should be punished for violating their right to a maximum speed of fifty-five miles per hour (in New York at least). Most brokers try to get away with whatever we can, as in the track and, in general, have the skills necessary to Sac. The driver is typical lack all the necessary knowledge and courage to engage in its own right and that, after more than one or two bills hundred dollars speeding, the potential of the athlete thirst for life is often crushed sponge it flatter in the desert of Arizona. In general, most went home frustrated, angrier, and two bills poorer. I am pleased to see that race motorcycles, I am happy I have a family of people who know and feel and think like me ... we are fortunate to be real riders. The drivers are not the only one that works well crazy. Anyone who walked or driven in Manhattan can attest to the fact that the madmen of all human beings are not Cabbus Auditor-Weavus honour that belongs to Al-Pedestrius sue-yerbutt , the dreaded City of New York pedestrian. There is no other way of life on the planet is able to see in the eyes of the wandering tractor-trailer driver, then strengthening fortuitously on the path of their serpentine Behemoth. If you've never seen ten-eight thousand pounds of truck with all the wheels are locked before we know what you are missing. The cloud of blue smoke in the distance an opinion to the presence of Pedestrius Al-your-yerbutt. While the driver of the truck shaking uncontrollably, trying to get his heartbeat back under the three hundred mark, Al-Pedestrius-yerbutt his flashes a smile ear to ear. And why not, you only saw fear and death in the face and walk away unscathed. Others may look at the surprise, the children go in his direction with surprise and admiration. They are short period of time idolized enthusiasm for fifteen seconds left in their fifteen minutes of fame. They will be in the language of all those who have seen their Gutsy move, Santa Cripe, did you see that? I am pleased to see that race motorcycles, I am happy I have a family who know and think and feel like I ... we are fortunate to be genuine and corridors with our point of sale. Before we forget that this is a Moto-cross history, I go to the heart of the matter. The point is simply how the road and outside the halls and corridors should be grateful. Contrary to Road Rage, and Al-Pedestrius-yerbutt Sue, we do not have to use our vehicles in a hundred and twenty miles an hour, can not we have to try lot by stepping in front of the 'speeding truck just think that increasing the adrenaline. Thank God is the real runners ... But what I do. We are not a bad chance that people who live outside the two examples of non-runners. We are normal, we can take our frustrations on machines that are supposed to be healers of our pressure and frustration. We Moto-cross and the forest to keep us healthy. Are we indeed fortunate. I am pleased to see that race motorcycles, I am happy I have a family of people who know and feel and think like me ... I am fortunate to be among the riders real. So when you are next to a private witness to the aforementioned son, you know? people are wrong, and everybody is an athlete. Michael James * 7 years covering professional cycling Bicycle Motocross News,, and amateur Motocross racer * The screenwriter - seeking representation-* 8 years columnist for several newspapers and magazines Motocross

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